Paschal Acquires Missouri HVAC Firm Lyerla

Article sent successfully! We were unable to send the article. Lyerla Heating & Air President Kevin Brady, left, and Paschal Air Plumbing & Electri...

November 29, 2022
3:02 AM

Article sent successfully! We were unable to send the article. Lyerla Heating & Air President Kevin Brady, left, and Paschal Air Plumbing & Electric Co. owner and CEO Charley Boyce (Paschal) Paschal Air Plumbing & Electric Co. of Springdale announced that it's expanding operations in southwest Missouri through the acquisition of Lyerla Heating & Air of Joplin. Lyerla, founded in 2001, is led by Kevin Brady. He's joining Paschal as the general manager of the combined company's southwest Missouri division.

Arkansas Business Staff